
Monday, March 12, 2012

Janie and The Greenfield (Short Story)

       hello, my name is Janie Wildson. I will tell you about my great experince. maybe, 3 weeks ago, I can't sit here and tell you.
       okay, it began in spring 2011. my father, Garry Wildson decided to move in small village. its name is Greenfield. actually, it was really small village. and I was so bored, there was no crowd, there is no fun place, and it was really different! I lived in a big city, I spent my time with my friends in cafe, restaurant, etc. "come on, dad! what do you think? can you choose another place?" I said. "no. Janie, trust me. it's a good place for us. because of my job. ok?" replied daddy.
       it was my first day in junior high school of Greenfield. I felt so ordinary. then, a boy came to me "hi, my name is Robert". I answered, "hello, my name is Janie. Janie Wildson". he said, "nice to meet you. umm.. why are you here?". I was silent, "actually, I feel so bored" I said. Robert took my hand and he brought me to the large field. he sat on the small stone "do you know, it was a beautiful place". I shocked, because this place was only rice fields and piles of garbage "what do you mean?". than he said "many years ago... it was a beautiful place. it was a woods, there was many big trees. but, people destroyed it. and they made the rice fields. they also threw garbage anywhere". I didn't knew how beautiful it was "so, do you feel sad?" I asked. "you don't need to ask me. absolutely yes" Robert answered my question. "okey, we must go back to the school Janie" Robert took my hand again.
         in the night, I heard someone said to me. but I didn't know the words. it was just a whisper. ".....just you... help me... just you, Janie" he said that. I walked out from my house, the wind was big. I could hear it perfectly, "I'm the big tree.. on the woods. you can help me, you must help me! I can't accept their behavior, i'm sick". I was affraid, my body shook. I was weak....... "jane! jane! wake up!" someone said that. "Janie come on! open your eyes...!" ...I tried to open my eyes. I was in my bed, "daddy? mom? Robert? why are you here?" I said. "you fell on the ground. what did you do in front of your house?" Robert asked me. I remember, that whisper. no no.. maybe it was my dream. ya, just my dream! "nothing... I'm fine" I said.

        "I'm the big tree in the middle of the woods. help me, just you. don't let them destroy all... stop it! there is no ilegal logging..." everyday, that whisper came to me. Oh my God, I was very affraid. I felt uncomfortable. so I decided to tell it to Robert. "I... I want to tell you something" I said. "yeah, what's that?" he asked. "actually, I always hear someone say to me. he need a help" I said. "who's that?" Robert asked. "I don't know. maybe, he's a big tree in the middle of the wood" I said. "really? I know... maybe he want us to help him" Robert said it with sad face. "I think so. because, ther's no one cares about him" I said. "oke, let's go to the rice fields" Robert said to me. we went to the rice fields, there was no trees. just rice field and garbages. "where's the big tree?" I said. "maybe, not far from here" Robert remove the garbages. "here! look, there is a big root! I'm sure that people cut down it" Robert took my hand. "ya.. it's the big tree. but, people covered it with rubbish" I saw the root. "let's clean this place. we burried this rubbish" Robert said his idea. I agreed, I helped him to clean the field. after 2 hours, the field looks clean. "finally... fiuuh...look, it's clean!" Robert felt happy. "yeah, you're right" I sat beside Robert. "I wish, this field can be woods again.." Robert said to me. "nothing impossible, Robert. I'm sure we can do it" I said it and look at his eyes. after few moments, many people came to the field. "hey, what are you doing here?" Robert asked them. people said, "we want to cut down the trees and make a new fields". I blocked them, "no, you can't! stop to cut down the trees! you destroyed your own place". Robert agreed, "yeah! can you see it? it's beautiful isn't it?". they saw the field. it was clean, there was not a rubbish. "and do you know? this tree asked me to repair the environtment! trust me!" I said. they negotiated for several minutes "so, what should we do?" they asked. Robert said "let's repair the woods. we let the big tree grow and plant another trees". "then, we keep clean the village!" I said. "ya! I agree! me too! ya! we agree!!!" said the people.
          today, the big tree grows fast. many people took shelter under a big tree. I was so happy, I sent the email for my friend in the city. I told my experience. and the point is... keeping the environment is very important
The End

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