
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

REALITY (story)

     He always sits there and I always look at him. I'm not brave, it's hard to me to tell the truth. I love him so much, I've waited for 3 years, but... I can't get closer. I know that he don't know my feeling. yeah, I'm just an ordinary girl named Olivia, so what? it's so annoying. in the last grade on the Junior High School, I just become a secret admirer. I hate my self actually. "hey! what happen to you? oh no... don't say that you look at Grey again?" Ellie surprised me. "come on, Olive. he don't give a hope. so you can find another good boy" Ellie continued her words. "yeah, I know. someday I will" I said.

      I write a mysterious letter again for Grey. I knew that he always read my letter. and I'm quiet sure that he don't know the writer. I can't save this love again. I hope you know Grey. You're the best love for me. I'm crazy because of you. but, I'm really fine when I see you smile.  
      Grey, I'm tired and I know you're also tired. so I'll never write a letter again. maybe you think that I'm a coward person. but, trust me I have a big and true love for you. and I'm near you, but you can see me because I hide from the light. I'm sorry. Olivia.
       I put that letter on his table. and I go away. I just want to stop, it's eanough. maybe, he is not for me. my tears drop down. I can't accept that. I'm not ready at all. I look Grey walks out from the school. he bring the letter! he gets into the car. I can't divert my eyes to him. But, the worst thing happens, I look it by myself. A red car hit Grey's car fast. I hear a loud horrible sounds. "noooo.....!!!!!!" I screamed. I run to his car. many people help Grey. I see a lot of blood from his head "please, help him! bring him to the hospital, sir!" I begged. that man bring him to the hospital. in the hospital I'm waiting and waiting... how worried I am! I don't do anything, just crying and crying. I'm too weak, I can't see him. the doctor came to me, "are you one of Grey's family?" he asked me. "no.. but, I'm his friend" I said. "I sorry... I'm so sorry miss. I had do the best. but, He can't survive" the doctor takes a deep breath.
        I'm like a fragile tree. I don't know anything again. I'm lost and everything's dark. he was very mean to me. my tears drop and I can't stop it. I want to run away. I want to meet him and I'll say that I love him so much. I hope it's not a reality.
        "Grey!" I screamed. I open my eyes. the wind blow my hair. I'm on the school backyard. but this place looks more beautiful now. I know this is my favorite place. I hope a butterflies can fly around me. magically, the butterflies immadiately come. that's so beautiful. this is the place what I want. "olivia" someone called me. "Grey? how can you be here?" I felt surprised. "bacause of you. I took this letter. and I know it all" he said to me. he smile. "I'm so happy. I don't need anything from you. you're here now, and You make me believe that I was dreaming" I smile to him. "yes. this is our world. the place where you can do anything with me. I'm sorry bacause I couldn't understand you well" Grey gives me a flower. I accept it, "thank you" I said. "follow me" he take my hand and he bring me to the another place. I never knew this place before. it's so beautiful. the flowers, the wind, the butterflies, the trees... everything's so beautiful. but, in this large place, no one else just me and Grey. 

         "Grey..." I called him. "Olive, let me say something" grey answered. "what's that?" I asked. "I love you. can you stay with me?" Grey looked at me. "absolutely yes, I always wait for you" I said. He just smile for me. "but, I want to ask something" I continued my words. "of course" he said. "Grey. where am I?" I asked. he seemed surprised "this is your world, but now this belongs to us. just you and me". I look at him "I don't understand. what do you mean?" I said. "okay... do you know how can you got there?" he asked. I'm confused, I don't know how can... I don't know the beginning. everything isn't real. I don't know the place. "Grey... it's not my reality, isn't it?" I shocked. "no. this is our world. stay with me, and we're together forever" he said. "no. I'm dreaming. this is my dream... I can't stay here" I take a step back. "are you kidding. don't you love me?" he take a step closer. "yes, I do love you. but, you're just in my mind. I won't stay here. I have a reality. I'm sorry" I start to walk away. he try to chase me. I run away, "please.. help me.. I want to come back" I said. I arrive at the end of land. A high cliff and the sea. "come on, Olive. take my hand, be with me forever in our world. and we can make our beautiful things here" Grey said to me. "I'm sorry Grey, I can't. I want to wake up. and I will let you here, in my memories" I said. "no, you can't leave me! bring me to the realit or you and me are here forever" Grey gets closer. "I love you Grey" I close my eyes and I jump to the sea.......
              I felt the water. I'm drowning, I can't take a breath. I try to reach something but the water bring me further.....

           I open my eyes. I look around, I'm on my bedroom. the radio plays song in the morning. I run to the window and open it. I see my mother. she talks with Andrew, my neighbor. I take my clothes and go out of my bedroom. "Olive, how is your condition?" my mother asked. "I feel better. thank you"
           I put a bunch of white roses in Grey's tomb. thank you Grey, I'll find a good person. but, I won't forget you. you always stay in here... in my heart.


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