
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lova Movie

what's the enjoyable activity?
I'll answer, "Watching movie" !
I really really love it

I sit on my chair with the popcorn, and I watch the movie...
It's so awesome
I love their acting, their story, their word, their adventure...
that's so inspired me...

"some people can't believe in themselves, until someone else believes in them first"

--Good Will Hunting--


"you try, and you fail. but, the real failure is when you stop trying!" 

-- Walt Disney --


 "a life without love is not life at all"

-- Cinderella Story --


I wish, I could be them one day
how much fun it is!
so, I think... watching movie is not just a hobby for me...
but a great dream :)

xx lovamovie so much xx

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