
Monday, November 26, 2012


Walt Disney atau yang bernama lengkap Walter Elias Disney lahir di Chicago, Amerika Serikat tanggal 5 Desember 1901. kemudian ia meninggal tanggal 15 Desember 1966 di Burbank, California.
Dia adalah seorang seniman, sutradara, produser film, serta animator asal Amaerika Serikat.
ia sangat mempengaruhi dunia hiburan di abad ke 20, sebagai pendiri Walt Disney Production  (bersama Roy O. Disney). namun kini, perusahaan yang didirikannya lenih dikenal dengan nama Walt Disney Company  yang kini bisa meraih pendapatan tahunan mencapai $35 miliar.
selain itu, ia juga merupakan inovator dari taman bermain yaitu Disneyland yang dibuka secara resmi pada 17 Juli 1955. ia dan anak buahnya menciptakan banyak tokoh kartun yang terkenal di dunia
Ia telah memenangkan 26 Academy Awards dari 59 Nominasi, dan meraih 7 Emmy Awards

Disney dan saudaranya mengumpulkan uang untuk mendirikan studio kartun di Hollywood. dengan usaha Disney dan saudaranya, ia merintis Disney Brothers' Studio di Hyperion Avenue.
kartun-kartun terkenalnya antara lain Snow White and Seven Dwarfs, Mickey Mouse, Sleeping Beauty, One Hundred and One Dalmatians, dan masih banyak lagi.

hingga kini kesuksesannya masih bisa kita rasakan karena film-film dunia hasil garapan Walt Disney terus di produksi dan menarik banyak peminat

"It's Fun to do Impossible" 
"If You can dream it, you can do it"
- Walt Disney -

Sunday, November 25, 2012

American Music Awards 2012

     40th ajang bergengsi American Music Awards (AMA) 2012 di gelar di Nokia Theatre, Los Angeles 18 November 2012 kemarin. acara ini merupakan salah satu acara yang di tunggu-tunggu untuk di saksikan. karena selain sebagai ajang pemberian penghargaan pada musisi berbakat, AMA juga menampilkan musisi-musisi tingkat dunia yang pastinya tidak mengecewakan.

     di ajang ini, Justin Bieber menunjukkan prestasinya dengan membawa 3 kemenangan sekaligus dalam kategori Artist of the Year, Favorite pop/rock male artist, dan Favorite pop/rock album. Justin berterima kasih tidak hanya pada fansnya tapi juga berterima kasih pada haters-nya. juga tidak lupa ia berterima kasih pada ibunya.
      giliran penyanyi cantik Carly Rae Jepsen yang memenangkan penghargaan Old Navy New Artist of The Year. Carly mengalahkan nominee lainnya yaitu 1Direction, Gotye, Fun, dan J.Cole. untuk kategori Favorite pop/rock Female artist, pemenangnya diraih oleh penyanyi yang pernah mengadakan konser di Indonesia, yap... Katy Perry. sedangkan peraih kemenangan dalam kategori Favorite pop/rock band/duo/grup adalah Maroon 5. dan si cantik Taylor Swift juga gak mau kalah, ia memenangkan kategori Favorite Country Female Artist.

Kemeriahan Panggung AMA 2012
selain itu, penampilan dari para musisi kelas dunia pun ikut menambah kemeriahan AMA 2012 dengan kualitas suara serta aksi panggung yang memukau. sebut saja Taylor Swift, Usher, Carly rae jepsen, Nicki Minaj, Kelly Clarkson, The wanted, Pink, Lady Antebellum, Justin Bieber, dan lainnya.
Eits, jangan lupakan yang satu ini. yap, apalagi kalau bukan penampilan dari PSY. siapa yang nggak kenal PSY setelah perilisan MV Gangnam Style yang di tonton lebih dari 700juta kali pengguna youtube? semua orang tahu, dan ikut terkena demam rapper asal Korea Selatan ini. terlebih lagi Gangnam Style ikut menjadi tren dunia karena gerakan yang unik dan mudah diikuti. di acara AMA 2012, PSY gak tanggung-tanggung menampilkan single andalannya 'Gangnam Style' di penutup acara ini. saat PSY memperagakan tarian The Horse Riding-nya itu, penonton langsung heboh. Heidi Klum dan Jenny mcCarthy ikutan memperagakannya, bahkan MC Hammer juga bergabung dengan PSY. WOOW~

Aksi Panggung PSY

Saturday, November 24, 2012

SMTOWN Indonesia

Okey, ini posting tentang SM Town di Indonesia yang kemarin sempat bikin heboh di dunia hiburan di Indonesia dan jadi pembicaraan di infotaiment maupun dunia maya. ini beberapa berita yang aku share di sini.enjoy~

     SM Town adalah sebuah konser yang menampilkan artis-artis unggulan dari SM Entertaiment Korea. di dunia hiburan, mereka udah nggak asing lagi nih. sebut saja Super Junior, Girls Generation/SNSD, Kangta, BoA, EXO, TVXQ, dan lainnya. konser SM Town di Indonesia di gelar 22/09/12 lalu di Gelora Bung Karno (GBK). konser ini pun di berhasil mengumpulkan sampai 50.000 penonton! karena hal itu pula, SM Town menjadi konser termegah dan terbesar di Indonesia, padahal ini adalah kali pertama SM Town di gelar di Indonesia.
 Panggung Megah dan Lautan Biru dari Lightstick Penonton

    Penampilan para artis SMent pun benar-benar gak mengecewakan. mereka tampil membawakan lagu-lagu andalan mereka di kemas dengan tampilan yang menarik. seperti BoA yang membawakan hitsnya 'Only One', EXO dengan 'Mama', Super Junior dengan single mereka 'Sexy, Free, and Single', SNSD yang turut menampilkan 'The Boys', F(x) dengan 'Hot Summer' dan lainnya. Totalnya, ada 46 lagu yang di bawakan termasuk dengan kolaborasi. hal menarik lainnya nih, banyak dari para artis SM yang belajar Bahasa Indonesia untuk menyapa para penonton. dan yang nggak kalah heboh ketika kolaborasi antara Changmin (TVXQ) dengan Kyuhyun (Super Junior) membawakan lagu 'Just The Way You Are' dari Bruno Mars. karena selain menarik penonton dengan suara bagus mereka, ada juga 'Lucky Fan' yang naik ke panggung langsung bertatap muka dengan mereka, sontak hal ini membuat penonton lain iri yaa...

hem... kalau di bilang konser termegah di Indonesia, aku juga gak menolak. karena SMtown ini juga di siarkan di salah satu stasiun televisi untuk menjawab keingintahuan masyarakan Indonesia khususnya bagi mereka yang nggak bisa nonton langsung acara ini.
menurutku, konser ini benar-benar di persiapkan secara matang, jadi para artis SM pun berlatih keras untuk menampilkan yang terbaik untuk para penggemar mereka. dan hasilnya, konser ini sangat meriah bukan? semoga di waktu kedepan konser ini maupun konser lain bisa mampir ke Indonesia. sebagai warga Indonesia aku juga bangga dong....

sampai sini dulu, see ya~

Friday, November 23, 2012


Kingdom: Plantae (Tumbuhan)
Subkingdom: Tracheobionta (Tumbuhan berpembuluh)
Super Divisi: Spermatophyta (Menghasilkan biji)
Divisi: Magnoliophyta (Tumbuhan berbunga)
Kelas: Magnoliopsida (berkeping dua / dikotil)
Sub Kelas: Rosidae
Ordo: Fabales
Famili: Fabaceae (suku polong-polongan)
Genus: Acacia 
Spesies: Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth.

Botani deskripsi
Acacia auriculiformis adalah pohon cemara yang tumbuh antara untuk 15-30 m, dengan batang sampai dengan 12 m panjang 50 cm dan diameter. Ini memiliki dedaunan lebat dengan mahkota, terbuka menyebar. Batangnya bengkok dan kulit pecah-pecah secara vertikal. Akar yang dangkal dan menyebar. Daun 10-16 cm panjang dan 1,5-2,5 cm lebar dengan 3-8 saraf paralel, tebal, kasar dan melengkung. Bunga adalah 8 cm panjang dan di pasang, krem ​​kuning dan manis beraroma. Polong sekitar 6,5 x 1,5 cm, datar, kartilaginosa, keabu-abuan, melintang berurat dengan margin berombak. Mereka awalnya lurus tapi pada saat jatuh tempo menjadi bengkok dengan spiral teratur. Benih yang melintang diadakan di pod, luas bulat telur sampai elips, sekitar 4-6 mm x 3-4. The akasia Nama generik berasal dari 'akis' kata Yunani yang berarti titik atau duri dan julukan spesifik berasal dari 'auricula'-eksternal telinga hewan dan' Latin forma-bentuk, angka atau bentuk, dalam sindiran terhadap bentuk pod tersebut..
Natural Habitat
Auriculiformis A. terjadi dari permukaan laut dekat 400 m, tetapi paling sering terjadi pada ketinggian kurang dari 80 m. Hal ini terutama ditemukan di dataran rendah tropis musim kering di zona lembab dan sub-lembab. Curah hujan tahunan rata-rata di kisaran alamnya bervariasi dari 700-2000 mm, dan musim kemarau (yaitu curah hujan bulanan kurang dari 40 mm) mungkin 7 bulan. Suhu maksimum rata-rata bulan terpanas adalah 32-34 derajat C dan minimum rata-rata bulan paling keren adalah 17-22 derajat C. Spesies ini umumnya riparian, sungai dering yaitu abadi dan semi-abadi sungai, dan cenderung membentuk terputus populasi di sepanjang sistem drainase. Bibit memiliki kemampuan untuk bersaing dengan Imperata cylindrica selama fase pertumbuhan awal dan setelah matang dapat mengurangi rumput ke ground cover jarang. Frost tidak terjadi dalam rentang alamnya, tetapi di tempat lain, itu mentolerir embun beku cahaya. Ini tidak mentolerir teduh, dan angin kencang dengan mudah mematahkan cabang-cabangnya.
Geografis distribusi
Asli: Australia, Indonesia, Papua Nugini
Exotic: Kamboja, Kamerun, Cina, Republik Demokratik Kongo, India, Jepang, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Nigeria, Filipina, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Zanzibar, Zimbabwe

Biofisik batas
Ketinggian: 0-500 (1 000) m rata-rata suhu tahunan: 24-38 deg. C rata-rata curah hujan tahunan: (650) 760-2 000 (6 000) mm Jenis Tanah: Ditemukan paling sering pada tanah liat, itu menunjukkan kemampuan untuk tumbuh dalam berbagai jenis tanah termasuk pasir gampingan dan lempung hitam retak, tanah musiman terendam air, berpasir dan tanah liat kain karang. Hal ini juga dapat tahan tanah yang sangat basa dan garam, pH berkisar antara 4,3 dan 9.

Hama dan penyakit
Kerusakan oleh hama dan penyakit adalah kecil. Di Indonesia, tingkat pertumbuhan telah dirugikan oleh jamur karat, Uromyces digitatus, di India, busuk akar disebabkan oleh jamur (Ganoderma lucidum) telah dilaporkan. Sebuah kumbang (Sinoxylon spp.) Dapat korset batang muda dan cabang, menyebabkan mereka untuk istirahat. Serangga menjadi perhatian, karena pohon akan mengembangkan beberapa pemimpin jika batang utama rusak dan panjang batang akan berkurang. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Finger Print

Cara Kerja Absensi Finger Print

Sebuah absensi finger print scanner memiliki dua pekerjaan, yakni mengambil gambar sidik jari Anda, dan memutuskan apakah pola alur sidik jari dari gambar yang diambil sama dengan pola alur sidik jari yang ada di database. Ada beberapa cara untuk mengambil gambar sidik jari seseorang, namun salah satu metode yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini adalah optical scanning.
Inti dari scanner optical adalah charge coupled device (CCD), sistem sensor cahaya yang sama digunakan pada kamera digital dan camcorder. CCD merupakan sebuah larik sederhana dari diode peka cahaya yang disebut photosite, yang menghasilkan sinyal elektrik yang merespon foton cahaya. Setiap photosite merekam sebuah pixel, titik kecil yang merepresentasikan cahaya dan membenturnya. Pixel-pixel ini membentuk pola terang dan gelap dari sebuah gambar hasil scan sidik jari seseorang.

Proses scan mulai berlangsung saat Anda meletakkan jari pada lempengan kaca dan sebuah kamera CCD mengambil gambarnya. Scanner memiliki sumber cahaya sendiri, biasanya berupa larik light emitting diodes (LED), untuk menyinari alur sidik jari Anda. Sistem CCD menghasilkan gambar jari yang terbalik, area yang lebih gelap merepresentasikan lebih banyak cahaya yang dipantulkan (bagian punggung dari alur sidik jari), dan area yang lebih terang merepresentasikan lebih sedikit cahaya yang dipantulkan (bagian lembah dari alur sidik jari).

Sebelum membandingkan gambar yang baru saja diambil dengan data yang telah disimpan, processor scanner memastikan bahwa CCD telah mengambil gambar yang jelas dengan cara melakukan pengecekan kegelapan pixel rata-rata, dan akan menolak hasil scan jika gambar yang dihasilkan terlalu gelap atau terlalu terang. Jika gambar ditolak, scanner akan mengatur waktu pencahayaan, kemudian mencoba pengambilan gambar sekali lagi.

Jika tingkat kegelapan telah mencukupi, sistem scanner melanjutkan pengecekan definisi gambar, yakni seberapa tajam hasil scan sidik jari. Processor memperhatikan beberapa garis lurus yang melintang secara horizontal dan vertikal. Jika definisi gambar sidik jari memenuhi syarat, sebuah garis tegak lurus yang berjalan akan dibuat di atas bagian pixel yang paling gelap dan paling terang. Jika gambar sidik jari yang dihasilkan benar-benar tajam dan tercahayai dengan baik, barulah processor akan membandingkannya dengan gambar sidik jari yang ada dalam database. (sumber :

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dream High

I'm not K-popers, but when I saw the korean drama first, I like the story.... I always like that
this is my first korean drama that I watched...

this is about Kirin Art school. the good singer, Go Hye Mi (Miss A's Suzy) and her friend Yoon Baek Hee (T-Ara's Eunjung) become Kirin's student. they meet Song Sam Dong (Kim Soo Hyun) and Jin Gook (2PM's Taecyeon). but, Baek hee don't like Hye Mi because she is always be number 1. Baek hee do anything to be a number 1 and beat Hye Mi out. 
Sam dong is a innocent guy, but he get a great talent. he can create a good song. but, unfortunately he had weak hearing. Jin Gook is a bad guy, but here, he find his own way to live finally
also there are Jason (2PM's Wooyoung) and Kim Pil Sook (IU). Pil Sook has a great voice. she loves Jason at the first sight. 
In this Drama, they show how to get their dream. even, Sam Dong becomes a winner, but the other friends still support him. they tell us that everybody has a dream. they are fighting for their dream, for the final goal. 

I won’t give up on you. When I hit rock bottom, you and Teacher Kang were the ones who pulled me up. This time, it’s my turn. Although I don’t know why you are like this now… this time, I’ll save you. -Go Hye Mi-

“When the victory isn’t applauded by their friends, at times when they are happy and they can’t even smile, their hearts have already become empty.”
 - Song Sam Dong-

“Your drama has a long way to go before it’s over. So don’t force yourself to go quickly. If you go slowly, you can see a lot more, in more detail, than the people who go quickly. If you ask me who would grow more between those two, I’d say it’s the one who goes slowly and sees a lot.” 
- Kang Oh Hyuk - 

After Dream High, 1 year later I watched the second drama. I don't know the story first
but, I know the story and I like it!

just stay here, I will tell you!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


A lot of thought about SKY
hanging over us, giving you a miracle anytime
you told that Sky is blue... blue is a peace, happiness, calm
but, it's mysterious.....
 whatever bout that.....

It just intermediary of the truth greatness of God
we are too small to say that we're the great
here, for everyone who wants to think...
you'll never stop to say 'how beautiful it is'
not just 'that's an ordinary thing' 

"the sky is the place where you see your own dream"

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hey, The Eye-catching Girls!

Hey, girls...
do you know? I really love simple!
I don't like to waste my time, I don't like doing complicated activities
so, I love simple make up
although I have many make up tools.. I don't like make my face bad

so, this is... I found a new way to make up!
hahaha.... this is the effect of my hobby, yeah... watching the korean drama or korean girlband's members
korean girls love to make her eyes eye-catching
just an eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush-on, lipgloss, and face powder
taraaaaa...... here we are. the eye-cacthing eyes!

you can look at her!

Eunjung (T-Ara)

Park Bom (2NE1)

Jiyeon ( T-Ara)

sooo CUTE ♥~

Sunday, July 15, 2012

About IU

okay, guys.....
I'll tell you about a girl who has a very very cute face 
I love her at the first sight
here we are.. IU!!!!

her name is Lee Ji Eun, but everybody know her as IU
she was born on May 16th 1993 in Seoul, South Korea
she is a singer, and she began her career in 2008
then, she also acted in dramas 
one of her drama is DREAM HIGH
I love her role as KIM PIL SOOK

and I also love her songs such as SOMEDAY and RAIN DROP
it's very easy listening songs
and I think they have a deep meaning...

"Eonjengan i nunmuri meomchugil
Eonjengan i eodumi geodhigo
Ttaseuhan haetsari i nunmureul mallyeojugil"

I hope this tears will stop running someday
Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears

"Oh Rain Drop Oh Rain Drop... Sarangi cham mojaraguna
Oh Rain Drop Oh Rain Drop... Sarangeun jeo bitbangulcheoreom
Modu kkamake ijeobeorigo
Jeojeo beorigoseon apahaneun gamgigateun geolkkayo"

Oh rain drop, Oh rain drop... Love is so heartless
Oh rain drop, Oh rain drop... Love is like raindrop
Coldly, it drenches me
Will I catch a cold that gives me pain as that time again?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Chain Of Hearts

today I'll tell you about the most sensitive story about me
because I tell about Chain of my hearts
yes, we're very close. we can't be separated
we have our chain that connect our hearts, our life, and our feelings
I know you're not here but a half of your soul is on my heart
I try to understand you. 
sometimes, you forget me. 
you didn't need me
you think that you can carry it by yourself
but, I always try to help you.

this is not the best answer...
come back and we can share anything
I miss you so much
and I want everything back.. just like the time that we passed
I miss your smile
I miss our funny time
come on, just give me a movie ticket and we go to the cinema together
tell me that you want to go to the cafe with me

and do you know?
you don't know me. you don't try to know my feelings like I do
you don't have to do anything
you just need to love me
my sister.....

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A New Life

that was my day,
the day when I can look a new life, new whises, and new dream :)
I was born on it
and 15 years later, I think about the meaning of my life
many things were given by them
the people that know me inside and out side
the people that give me a lot knowledge
and the time when I learned more about the life, love, care, friendship...
treacherousness, pain, and happiness

it's a long time. I must be smart
I can't waste my life.
because, God gives me just once
I should use it well.
to help each other, reach my dreams, and make my lovely persons happy

God, thanks for the time

thanks for anythings that I've got

I hope I can be a good person....  I'll learn more 

help me please... amin :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Just 4 Fun !

today, I'll share you about one thing
Funny thing!!
yes, because I love laughing
and many people say that laughing makes us fresh
I do agree!

okay, and this is page for laughing and having fun!
enjoy ~~


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

REALITY (story)

     He always sits there and I always look at him. I'm not brave, it's hard to me to tell the truth. I love him so much, I've waited for 3 years, but... I can't get closer. I know that he don't know my feeling. yeah, I'm just an ordinary girl named Olivia, so what? it's so annoying. in the last grade on the Junior High School, I just become a secret admirer. I hate my self actually. "hey! what happen to you? oh no... don't say that you look at Grey again?" Ellie surprised me. "come on, Olive. he don't give a hope. so you can find another good boy" Ellie continued her words. "yeah, I know. someday I will" I said.

      I write a mysterious letter again for Grey. I knew that he always read my letter. and I'm quiet sure that he don't know the writer. I can't save this love again. I hope you know Grey. You're the best love for me. I'm crazy because of you. but, I'm really fine when I see you smile.  
      Grey, I'm tired and I know you're also tired. so I'll never write a letter again. maybe you think that I'm a coward person. but, trust me I have a big and true love for you. and I'm near you, but you can see me because I hide from the light. I'm sorry. Olivia.
       I put that letter on his table. and I go away. I just want to stop, it's eanough. maybe, he is not for me. my tears drop down. I can't accept that. I'm not ready at all. I look Grey walks out from the school. he bring the letter! he gets into the car. I can't divert my eyes to him. But, the worst thing happens, I look it by myself. A red car hit Grey's car fast. I hear a loud horrible sounds. "noooo.....!!!!!!" I screamed. I run to his car. many people help Grey. I see a lot of blood from his head "please, help him! bring him to the hospital, sir!" I begged. that man bring him to the hospital. in the hospital I'm waiting and waiting... how worried I am! I don't do anything, just crying and crying. I'm too weak, I can't see him. the doctor came to me, "are you one of Grey's family?" he asked me. "no.. but, I'm his friend" I said. "I sorry... I'm so sorry miss. I had do the best. but, He can't survive" the doctor takes a deep breath.
        I'm like a fragile tree. I don't know anything again. I'm lost and everything's dark. he was very mean to me. my tears drop and I can't stop it. I want to run away. I want to meet him and I'll say that I love him so much. I hope it's not a reality.
        "Grey!" I screamed. I open my eyes. the wind blow my hair. I'm on the school backyard. but this place looks more beautiful now. I know this is my favorite place. I hope a butterflies can fly around me. magically, the butterflies immadiately come. that's so beautiful. this is the place what I want. "olivia" someone called me. "Grey? how can you be here?" I felt surprised. "bacause of you. I took this letter. and I know it all" he said to me. he smile. "I'm so happy. I don't need anything from you. you're here now, and You make me believe that I was dreaming" I smile to him. "yes. this is our world. the place where you can do anything with me. I'm sorry bacause I couldn't understand you well" Grey gives me a flower. I accept it, "thank you" I said. "follow me" he take my hand and he bring me to the another place. I never knew this place before. it's so beautiful. the flowers, the wind, the butterflies, the trees... everything's so beautiful. but, in this large place, no one else just me and Grey. 

         "Grey..." I called him. "Olive, let me say something" grey answered. "what's that?" I asked. "I love you. can you stay with me?" Grey looked at me. "absolutely yes, I always wait for you" I said. He just smile for me. "but, I want to ask something" I continued my words. "of course" he said. "Grey. where am I?" I asked. he seemed surprised "this is your world, but now this belongs to us. just you and me". I look at him "I don't understand. what do you mean?" I said. "okay... do you know how can you got there?" he asked. I'm confused, I don't know how can... I don't know the beginning. everything isn't real. I don't know the place. "Grey... it's not my reality, isn't it?" I shocked. "no. this is our world. stay with me, and we're together forever" he said. "no. I'm dreaming. this is my dream... I can't stay here" I take a step back. "are you kidding. don't you love me?" he take a step closer. "yes, I do love you. but, you're just in my mind. I won't stay here. I have a reality. I'm sorry" I start to walk away. he try to chase me. I run away, "please.. help me.. I want to come back" I said. I arrive at the end of land. A high cliff and the sea. "come on, Olive. take my hand, be with me forever in our world. and we can make our beautiful things here" Grey said to me. "I'm sorry Grey, I can't. I want to wake up. and I will let you here, in my memories" I said. "no, you can't leave me! bring me to the realit or you and me are here forever" Grey gets closer. "I love you Grey" I close my eyes and I jump to the sea.......
              I felt the water. I'm drowning, I can't take a breath. I try to reach something but the water bring me further.....

           I open my eyes. I look around, I'm on my bedroom. the radio plays song in the morning. I run to the window and open it. I see my mother. she talks with Andrew, my neighbor. I take my clothes and go out of my bedroom. "Olive, how is your condition?" my mother asked. "I feel better. thank you"
           I put a bunch of white roses in Grey's tomb. thank you Grey, I'll find a good person. but, I won't forget you. you always stay in here... in my heart.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

The song's of Adele

Ok guys, today I'll tell you about someone who steal my heart
for the first time I heard her voice, I fell in love with her

many persons had try to change the arrangements of her songs
it sounds good

but, I like them both
they have a different style
here we are...

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born in London, 5th May 1988
she's a singer and a song writer. I love her songs on her 2nd album; 21
Adele started singing when she was 4 years old
and she write her songs "Hometown Glory" when she was 16 years old

one of her amazing song,
 SOMEONE LIKE YOU was first on the Billboard 200 for 11 weeks
beside it, I also love another songs such as Rolling in the deep, Set fire to the rain, and Hometown glory

readers, this is one of Adele's song
Rolling In The Deep on new version!
enjoy it

"singing is story about the singer's feeling"

Monday, May 21, 2012


Dear Haters,
I write this message for you :)
do you know? I'll say thank you
because of your hatred. I try to appreciate everybody's feeling
and I wonder you, how can you hate me?
why do you think that I'm your enemy?
I want you to know, haters... that every hatred that you have is a spirit for me
I'm not angry actually, I know that every life have a good and a bad time
even you insult me, and you try to get me down.. It will never makes me really down
but, you give me a big passion in every bad words of you.

I love everybody, I just want a piece of peaceful
I don't want to make this world worse
I'm not a great person, but you all look at me
so I don't want to make a war between us.
hate me as far as you want.... but, don't hurt me
and I hope that one day you know about your worst character
and you can see yourself before another else

"I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends"
 -Abraham Lincoln-


Zella Danie

Sunday, May 20, 2012

First Performance :)

Here we are!
this is my experience
I love singing, and the fortune came to me
I passed an audition in my own school, and I joined the "Kendo Kenceng" choir.
that's the choir of my school.
for my first time, I showed my best performance at farewell party for XII grade.

I was training hard. there was no day without training.
I was tired, but I got a great experience.
I knew the other members of "Kendo Kenceng". actually, it was fun!

even I couldn't perform perfectly, but I gave the best of me
fuuuhh... I was relieve. I could do it well
May, 12th 2012
I'll never forget it :)

this is my performance. enjoy!!


Saturday, May 19, 2012


Reach the star!
I love that words. it's gives me a passion 
and maybe, this photos is just having fun hahaha

look at that, it's so funny isn't it? 
that are the ridiculous faces, aren't that?

but, the most beautiful thing is together with friend
I saw the orange peaceful sunset
We were there to knowing the greatness of the sky

I love it.-

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Forgotten

because of them
the persons who still keep their custom in the heart
why did I forget it?
my own soul
really, I was fascinated with him

unfortunately, he goes for every houses
just for a piece of money
even just a coin

in the night, I met him
and it was wonderful
the lute and the flute

                                                                  and a simple hapiness :)

he's mas Ujang Kecapi
he mention himself as kecapi
he's the real musician

 every hometown have a beautiful traditional things, 
there is no bad, it's really awesome
so, look it by your heart, close your eyes... just hear it!
and you will asked, "how can they do it?"

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sweet Things

What are the sweet things?
sweet things for girl like us?

Today this page is for you and me :)
sweet things aren't just a big things
for me, I do my sweet things every day!
sharing with family
hang out with my friends

or... I get the sweet moment with him :)
taking a photo

even I don't sleep, I'm on ma bed
just hear the music on my earphone, that's enough

write on my lovely diary, even it's a bad story
read ma novel or magazine
don't forget to read ma science book :p

put my gadgets on
I'm a fashionista

but, I think the real sweet thing is saying I LOVE YOU to everyone

because, "I Love You" gives the sweet taste in our life
 and a strong unbelievable thing